
My first seven moths in Zürich have been packed with pleasant surprises. Among them, having the opportunity to meet two developers of two of my favourite lisps: Martin Gasbichler, of scsh‘s fame, and Juho Snellman, of sbcl‘s. I’ve already enjoyed several pleasant discussions with them (as well as with some co-workers interested in lisp), and it was only natural to go one step further and found the Zürich Scheme/Lisp Users Group.

The zslug will have its inaugural session next Monday 25th, 18:30 at The Lion. Besides beer (the raison d’etre of any users group), Juho will talk about the implementation of sb-cover, a code coverage tool for Common Lisp. If you happen to be in Zürich or whereabouts by then, just come in and join the fun!

Update: The actual address of The Lion is Oetenbachgasse 24. Hope to see you there!


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